reclaim the archive


Hip Hop Pedagogy and Power: Reclaim the Archive  – #ReclaimArchive – a first of its kind collaborative residency with Counterpoints Arts, Plymouth College of Art, The Open University, Tate Exchange and Tate Archive. It was first initiated in 2019 as part of the arts, migration and social change Who Are We? programme.  

Focusing on acts of decolonising and re-imagining the archives, the focus in Stage 1 has been on the Tate Archive with its many miscellaneous objects. Resident artists contributing to Stage 1 include Shay D, AWATE and Big Zuu . These three Hip Hop artists were invited to speak back to and reimagine the idea of the archive, to insert new perspectives and retrieve silenced voices and cultural viewpoints.

Along the way this partnership programme, which will evolve over the next several years with additional partners and archives asks: How might a Hip Hop ‘practitioner-cum-archivist’ re-imagine the Archive? Can Hip Hop as a genre-defying art form, re-translate/re-connect archival histories, stories and objects to wider audiences?

Stage 1 of the residency comprises working in the archive in addition to a mentoring programme and collaboration with dramaturge, Hassan Mahamdallie.

The wider project team brings a unique mix of skills and activities together, including digital anthropologist Kat Braybrooke and colleagues from Studio ‘"We and Us", the creative agency, Futureimpose and design by Studio Molga.

The creative, learning and investigative process underpinning the residency and the final commissioned works will form the backbone of a new creative arts curriculum focusing on ‘Youth Activism, Hip Hop, Power and Pedagogy’.

Please note: elements of this project have been adapted to the digital sphere, allowing the residencies to continue despite the ‘physical distancing’ imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.



Counterpoints Arts support, produce and promote the arts by and about migrants and refugees. Their work is done in collaboration and through co-productions – with artists, arts, cultural and educational organisations and civil society activists working with refugees and migrants. Central to their mission is a belief in the ability of the arts to inspire social change.

Established in 1856, Plymouth College of Art is an independent, university-sector art school run by artists and designers for artists and designers. Home to a dynamic, cross-disciplinary community of makers and thinkers for whom creativity is as important as reading and writing, the college offers a range of Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Pre-Degree study across Art, Design and Digital Media – combining over 160 years of history with up-to-the-minute thinking and cutting-edge facilities.

The Open University is a pioneer of teaching, learning and research methods contributing specifically through its scholarship on collective digital identities, citizenship and governance.

Tate Exchange is a space and a programme at Tate Modern, Tate Liverpool and online for everyone to debate and reflect upon contemporary topics and ideas, get actively involved, think through doing, and make a difference.


Áine O’Brien

Curator of Learning and Evaluation, Counterpoints Arts

Dijana Rakovic 

Senior Producer, Counterpoints Arts

Stephen Felmingham 

Head of School, Critical and Cultural Studies, Plymouth College of Art

Tim Butcher 

Associate Professor of Organisation Studies, University of Tasmania

Jane Wells

Programme Manager, Tate Exchange

Hossam Fazulla

Independent Producer, Writer and Activist

Peter Eaves

Archive Curator, Tate Archives

Shayane Lacey

Social Media, Counterpoints Arts


Hassan Mahamdallie

Playwright and Writer, Artist Mentor


Kat Braybrooke 

Digital Anthropologist and Creative Practitioner

Ollie Olanipekun

Founder / Creative Director at Futureimpose


Kasia Molga

Design Fusionist,  Environmentalist & Educator

Emily Briselden-Waters

Creative Producer, Branding Designer


Marvin Jay Alvarez 


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